Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Meet the Parents

It is said parenting is the greatest joy of life, but to Calvin's parents it is a never ending nightmare. But their travails have their defining moments, which are quite funny and often endearing.

Say Hello to Mr Hobbes

Hobbes is the counterfoil to Calvin - mature, worldwise and girl-loving. :-) More 'human' than perhaps the humans in the strip, he gets to make the most wry comments and almost always has the last word with Calvin.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Introducing Calvin to the blog

For the minority who are not familiar with Calvin, this is a glimpse into the character.
Calvin is a delightfully rotten kid, who revels in the most sadistic pleasures, the little pleasures in life derived from doing the undoable, the unthinkable, everything illegal in the book. He is also unhypocritically self-centred. And as he himself knows, God help the parents who have a kid like him ! :-)

He is also outrageously frank and very manipulative too !

Bordering on extreme naivette on occasions....

A daredevil...always putting himself and his parents in peril...